Terms and Conditions loyalty Card
Please make sure you read and understand the full terms and conditions highlighted below. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
Introducing Our New Loyalty Card!
We’re excited to announce the launch of our Loyalty Card, a convenient and rewarding way to enhance your experience on our website.
How It Works:
- Load Your Card:
Add your chosen amount to the card at any time—it works just like a credit card. - Exclusive Usage:
The card can be used to pay for lessons, programs, and products directly on our website.
Earn Rewards While You Spend:
Each time you use the Loyalty Card to pay for lessons, the Bundle Reload Program, or merchandise, you’ll earn points that unlock fantastic offers!
- Reward Rate:
Earn 10 points for every €25 spent using the card. - More Offers Coming Soon:
As more players start using the card, we’ll add even more exciting offers to the points system throughout the year.
Loyalty Cards will be available starting January 23rd, 2025. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to make the most of your purchases while earning rewards!
T&C Loyalty Card
Earning Points
Presentation Requirement:“Present the loyalty card at the time of payment or purchase to earn points.”
Redemption and Expiry
Point Expiry:“All points earned are valid for six months from the date they are earned.”
- Non-Transferability:
“Points cannot be redeemed or exchanged for cash or any other rewards.”
Card Usage
Approved Uses:“The loyalty card can only be used for lessons, programs, purchases made in the online stores at sergiocoyle.com or bunnderealod.com, or any other services offered on these websites unless otherwise stated.”
Personal Use Only:“The card is intended for personal use only. Commercial use is prohibited, and each user is limited to one account.”
Restrictions:“The loyalty card cannot be used to pay for lessons for other players or family members.”
Card Replacement
Lost Card Fee:“If the loyalty card is lost, a €10 fee will be charged for a replacement card.”
Program Modifications
Right to Modify:“These terms and conditions are subject to change without prior notice.”
Contact Information
Customer Service:“For inquiries, contact customer service at 0353 (0) 87 468 8768.”
Terms and Conditions Lessons
Please make sure you read and understand the full terms and conditions highlighted below. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. For T&C for the Bundle Reload please vist this site www.bundlereloadgolf.com/terms-of-service
If the client books a slot and doesn’t turn up to the golf lesson, the client will lose a lesson on his or her package or pay in half for the price of the golf lesson.
Deposit are non refundable, any bookings made after 1st January 2022. If a booking is cancelled deposit will be given as Credit, which can be used towards lessons.
If the client cancels or moves with less than 48 hours notice, the client will lose a lesson on his or her package or pay in full for the price of the golf lesson.
If the client purchases a package, the client must have taken the golf lessons by the end of the expiry date of the package. If the golf pacagke not used within the date of pacgake of 12 weeks, then the remainder of the package will be given as credit and can only be used as full price of lesson in the future.
Please note, during busy times we are booked up 2-3 weeks in advance, so it is important that you book soon.
Balls are not included in the pricing for assessments or lessons.
When you book a lesson with us you will be enter into are mailing list.
Gift Cards before 1/1/25
- It is the purchaser’s responsibility as the purchaser to ensure that the recipient of the BioVis Sport Soultions (Sergio Coyle Diez Coaching) Gift Card and E Voucher is aware of the Terms and Conditions that apply to BioVis Sport Soultions (Sergio Coyle Diez Coaching) Gift Card. Also that the correct email is provided at time of purchase for online vouchers.
- BioVis Sport Soultions (Sergio Coyle Diez Coaching) Gift Card and E Voucher is available in euro (€) only. It is a prepaid card or E Voucher which means that money must be loaded onto the Card.
- If a Gift card voucher is lost / stolen this is the sole liability of the holder. No voucher will be replaced and no refund will be issued. Protect them as you would cash.
- All Vouchers are non-fundable.
- Email vouchers must be presented on arrival at the lesson. Vouchers that have been altered or damaged in any way will not be accepted.
- Gift Cards are valid for five years from date of purchase.
- BioVis Sport Soultions (Sergio Coyle Diez Coaching) have the right to alter, change and/or add to the terms and conditions of this voucher at any time without notifying the holder.
For queries related to Gift Cards please email info@sergiocoyle.com
Covid -19 leads to a temporary closure of the Spawell facility assessments will
be forward dated to when they are permitted.
There is a 48-hour cancellation policy for all lessons & 3D sessions. If you
cancel within 48 hours of an assessment you are asked to pay half of the
If you are pending a Covid-19 test/result or are restricting your movements
due to being a close contact, please inform me as soon as possible and I will
endeavour to reschedule once a negative test result is back.
Balls are not included in the pricing of the assessments or lessons.